Happy Blog Anniversary to my Family Ancestry Detective baby !!!
When I started I really wondered whether I would find enough things to write about. But after a year, I really feel like I have hardly touched the surface. I love to talk to people about their genealogy and family history projects. And generally after I talk to them, I usually come away thinking, “I should write about that”.
This area is one where technology and information is moving rapidly, with new resources being discovered all the time. Whether it is finding that a family history is on the bookshelf of a library on the other side of Australia or a subscription website releases another set of parish books, it’s all happening. When I first started off, I covered the meanings of a few holidays that are coming around again. But in the New Year I changed focus by writing on topics to help you find more of your own family history. I think this change was a good one and it remains my focus. I hope my blog inspires people to find their family. Thanks for your support and enjoy your journey.
Congratulations and Happy 1st Anniversary!