Who wants to be an Aussie?

Happy Australia Day!! On Monday my brother in law  became an Australian citizen. Another convert from dark old England, joining the lucky country. I explained to my six year old that we celebrate Australia Day to mark the landing of the first fleet  but many people have come to settle …

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Santa wears short in Australia – Christmas in Australia

I recently was Face booked a picture of Santa giving presents in shorts. Very funny and very Australian. “Santa wears shorts”  and “Six white Boomers” songs are very popular with our kids. Also very popular is spotting some reindeer that turn up only at Christmas time down the road from …

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Use History to pick your Melbourne Cup Winner

Tips for Melbourne Cup Barrier 11 is the luckiest barrier and barrier 18 is the unluckiest, no-one has ever won from barrier 18. On average the favourite wins the Melbourne cup every five years. (This means that in the hundred and fifty three years of the race running there have …

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