Scottish Surnames
Genealogy Software Programs
Adoptions in your family history?
5 common mistakes made using
Ancestry is a great resource for genealogy, but you still have to be careful. Because the thing with anything on a computer is; garbage in – garbage out. This relates to an analogy of the internet I have heard. With the internet being like a dump truck backing up to …
The Challenge in Irish Genealogy Records
The end of Family Treemaker Software
I was surprised to read Ancestry’s blog over Christmas, “we’ve made the decision to stop selling Family Tree Maker as of December 31, 2015.” Family Tree Maker has been one of the most popular genealogy software programs on the market. But for Ancestry, they admit that they make more money …
Convict Female factories

Over the Christmas holidays I have been engrossed in a novel called the “Potato Factory” by Bryce Courtney. The amount of detail and history has been fascinating. It covers the conditions in London, convict transportation to Australia and life for convicts in Tasmania in the early 19th century. An interesting …