Category: Australian Records
All records that can be found in Australia
Convict Female factories

Over the Christmas holidays I have been engrossed in a novel called the “Potato Factory” by Bryce Courtney. The amount of detail and history has been fascinating. It covers the conditions in London, convict transportation to Australia and life for convicts in Tasmania in the early 19th century. An interesting …
Tasmanian Births, Deaths and Marriages from 1803 to 1899
Catholic religious records
When I first started researching my family history, I found that religion was a great clue to finding out more about my family. When doing a cemetery search where there are religious division, it can be very helpful know what religion your ancestor is. However after a while I realised …
Stolen generation going home

The Stolen Generation was not only stolen from their mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters but from their extended family, their indigenous language, their culture, their right to land, and their identity. Many white Australians are able to easily access their family history but indigenous Australians removed from their families can …