Chris Hemsworth surprised by a cook in the family

Chris Hemsworth Family

Chris Hemsworth

Rob Hemsworth

Rob Hemsworth

My Kitchen Rules is advertising their show for 2015 and the drawcard is a Chris Hemsworth’s cousin, Rob. Rob Hemsworth is an oyster farmer from Victoria and out of all the Hemsworth brothers he does look a lot like Chris.  Chris has done a promo where he says “I didn’t know you could cook”. But with having cousins like the Hemsworth brothers who are all creating some amazing movies, I’m sure Rob must have some creative flair in his genes.

Occupations in a family are quite interesting. Many of the same occupations pop up in a family. You can find  generations of fathers and sons going into the coal mines. Or generations following a natural progression of occupations from one into another; for example from accountant to banker or labourer to builder. It is rare to see a break from tradition, such as a pharmacist coming from a line of ship builders. That is just what I found in the Hemsworth family line though.

All three of the Hemsworth brothers have become actors. However the brothers have not come from acting parents . Their parents are Leonie who is an English teacher and Craig who works as a social services counsellor. They credit some of their acting ability and developing their imaginations, to their time in a small outback town called Bulman. They had no television and had to invent their own adventures. They raced around the bush in no shoes and rolled around in the dirt wrestling. Seems similiar to the movies they star in today like Snow White and the Huntsman and Thor. They then moved to Philip Island, where the family home is still today. Their childhood adventures seemed to spark a light that has ignited into Hollywood stardom.

I was interested to know whether there was an acting gene somewhere in their family. I found a webpage listing their ancestors names and started searching It seems that the Hemsworth line is one of hard workers and the occupations ranged from carrier, labourer, butcher and then pensioner.  There seems no trace of their future acting careers in their paternal ancestry. So I guess there is hope for us all to become famous Hollywood actors, maybe it’s just a case of turning off the television.  Sorry Rob, no My Kitchen Rules for me, I’m off to make a fort.

What is your family history like with occupations? Do you come from a long line of people in the same field or occupation or do people in your family break into their own areas of expertise?  Let me know your family’s stories.

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